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Built-in Cloud Backend

Β· 2 min read
Aircampi, Inc.


In our previous blog, we talked about the struggles we faced with monolithic architecture and why we decided to transition to microservice architecture. To provide a quick recap, monolithic architecture has a single large codebase, making code logic complex and hard to scale. In contrast, as the word β€œmicro” suggests, the microservice architecture allows developers to split their logic into smaller parts, increasing productivity, flexibility, and overall performance. Also, it came with a bonus – a cloud server.

Now, there are essentially two types of ways of hosting and installing apps or soft servers: on-premise and cloud. While most companies use on-premises, cloud computing has been growing in popularity.

On-premise vs Cloud#

On-premise refers to the traditional approach of hosting in which all the resources are accessed and managed from the premises. With on-premise, the companies are responsible for the maintenance of the server hardware. On the other hand, cloud computing involves delivering hosted services over the internet with a third-party provider, requiring the companies to pay for the resources they use.

Thanks to microservice, we have migrated to the cloud without using many resources. The functionalities between a cloud server and a traditional physical data center are the same, but cloud services have several more advantages: security, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

With the usage of the cloud, there comes a variety of service models, each of which caters to a different set of business needs.

We are a backend as a service (BaaS) provider, which is often mistaken with a platform as a service (PaaS).

PaaS vs BaaS#

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provides hardware infrastructure and software resources for developers, offering all the resources required to develop an app over the cloud. Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) provides developers access to cloud infrastructure and performs backend tasks automation, APIs, backend storage, and ready-made codes. While PaaS offers more flexibility as it is required that developers write their own backend codes, BaaS offers functionalities like user authentication, security, database management, and search. With a BaaS, the developer can focus more on creating frontend design and business logic.

We are#

Aircampi is a platform made to build and scale your backend easily. From simple Single Page Applications to Complex Enterprise Systems, we can manage every level of complexity and scalability. Currently, we offer auth, database, realtime, and storage services, and there will be more to come.

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